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4.71053 38
 38 votes - Games - iOS 8.0&up - First release: 2016-09-24T17:38:41Z

If you are a beginner, it is necessary for you to study simple tactical methods and learn how to employ them! This course includes more than 1800 exer.. Read more

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4.82178 101
 101 votes - Games - First release: 2016-09-23T19:39:52Z

If you are a beginner, it is necessary for you to study simple tactical methods and learn how to employ them! This course includes more than 4300 exercises for beginners on the following tactical meth.. Read more

4.82028 217
 217 votes - Games - First release: 2016-07-06T17:04:18Z

This course includes more than 2500 exercises for mating in 3 or 4 moves. You will have to use your fantasy and precise calculation in order to find a correct way of attacking the king. After going th.. Read more

4.72527 455
 455 votes - Games - First release: 2016-09-09T08:43:12Z

This is a perfect opening manual. It features a theoretical review of all the chess openings, which are illustrated by instructive games of the greatest chess players. This compact opening manual cont.. Read more

4.83333 354
 354 votes - Games - First release: 2016-07-07T00:04:58Z

Total Chess Ending course composed by GM Alexander Panchenko. It's aim is to teach a student the intricacies of the endgame through a theoretical section, which includes over 600 games/lectures, each .. Read more

4.86364 44
 44 votes - Games - First release: 2016-09-06T17:55:31Z

The material used in the program is based on a textbook by a renowned chess trainer Sergey Ivashchenko - Manual of Chess Combinations vol 2. You have to find the most important moves. Once you're sol.. Read more

4.82125 1600
 1600 votes - Games - First release: 2016-09-03T20:37:27Z

The legendary tactics course that has been voted more than once by chess experts as the best chess training program in the world. This version includes 2,200 basic exercises and 1,800 auxiliary exerci.. Read more

4.71642 201
 201 votes - Games - First release: 2016-09-06T11:12:35Z

This chess program presents many instructive positions with 18 most important strategic themes such as Advantage in development, Advantage in space, Attack on the king, Attack on the queenside, Weak s.. Read more

4.78049 41
 41 votes - Games - First release: 2016-09-23T22:42:08Z

If you are a beginner, you just have to learn how to defend your pieces from being taken! Every chessplayer has to master and consolidate some basic defensive skills such as withdrawing or protecting .. Read more

4.72794 136
 136 votes - Games - First release: 2016-06-05T17:07:24Z

If you are a beginner, you should practice much to mate in one move. This course provides excellent material for this training. The big number of exercises (2500) covers different methods of mating. M.. Read more

4.71429 56
 56 votes - Games - First release: 2016-10-27T23:18:03Z

The best way to improve your game is to train yourself on your device in solving problems from practical games. If you a beginner but already know how to mate in 1 move, you have to move on and learn .. Read more