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VibroChecker PRO is a fully-fledged vibration and spectrum analyzer, developed for use on iPhones and iPads. The app uses the optional integrated acceleration sensor or gyroscopes and also allows the connection of an external, high-resolution and professional piezo-electronic sensor (DIGIDUCER 333D01) via the lightning interface.

The app is a joint development by the companies ACE Stoßdämpfer GmbH, Fabreeka Inc. and Tech Products Inc. (Kaydon  - Motion Controls Group).

The app was designed for external technicians working for Motion Controls and the company’s sales partners. The purchase price is a nominal charge; the external sensor is not included in the price.

The light and convenient combination of the high-quality piezo-electronic sensor and the portable vibration and spectrum analyzer on the iPad/iPhone represents an outstanding and extremely easy to transport alternative to existing profile solutions in many applications.

The app measures and records accelerations over time and calculates the spectral range using a FFT. The integrated 3-channel acceleration sensor has a sensitivity level of around 0.02g and a range of ± 2g. This sensitivity, with an adjustable scanning rate of 10Hz to 100Hz for the internal sensor and 1kHZ to 16kHz for the external Digiducer, means that the acceleration sensors are capable of measuring vibrations, defective bearings, excitation frequencies of machines and accelerations during material transport in a simple and accurate way.
Once the measurement has been completed, the measurement results can be saved or simply sent to your own desktop or to a customer/specialist department using the e-mail function.

Some of the core functions include:
-  3-axes of measurement
-  Variable measuring time
-  Variable start delay of 0-20 seconds
- Triggering
- Selection of scanning rate 10Hz to 100Hz for the internal sensor and 1kHZ to 16kHz for the external Digiducer sensor
- Adjustable autorepeat function
- Transmission/storage of measurement data by e-mail as a CSV-file