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 2 votes - Medical - First release: 2016-04-14T03:50:13Z


Description - 17+

"Sepsis Calculators & Data"
***From the Sepsis-3 International Consensus***

The Sepsis 3 App includes the most practical and up-to-date Sepsis Calculators & Data (from the ESICM and the SCCM 3rd International Consensus (Sepsis-3, 2016)). 
Just added the mCalx™ (master calculator), NEWS & NEWS 2 (2019) Scores. SOFA, qSOFA, LODS, Sepsis Ward, Sepsis ICU, Sepsis Master, Septic Shock (with integrated Calculator panels & Dynamic Tables for visual efficiency).

Sepsis 3 is part of MediCalc®,  "The standard for clinical calculations and analytics in Medicine™".
MediCalc® is the best and most comprehensive "Medical Calculator System™" in the world. It performs automatic computation of more than 450 clinical formulas, equations & scores "commonly used" in medical practice. 

MediCalc® features the innovative mCalx™ Master Calculator panel for combined calculations, they assure convenience and accuracy. It also includes valuable "point of care information".
MediCalc® facilitates the organization and processing of Patient's data. 
It is a physician-friendly™ app, intuitive and very easy to use. 
Available ONLINE (abridged version, free access & Print options). 

+Unique reference, productivity and decision support tool. 
+Trusted resource with proven and reliable data processing.
+For physicians, residents, med students, PAs and NPs... 
+Developed by Board-certified physicians in the US. 
+Highly acclaimed, reviewed and tested (since 1996). 

The SEPSIS 3 App (MediCalc®) FEATURES:
(the best and proven clinical data processing)

* mCalx™ master calculator (inApp purchase)
* arithmetical processing
* automatic unit conversion
* MultiCalx™ Panels
* multiple-unit entries
* color-coded normal-abnormal outputs
* normal values (ranges & limits)
* automatic range-checks (limits)
* intuitive user interface
* easy navigation and info access
* Search bar with filters
* smart decimal rounding
* Système International notation
* tables of parameters
* mobile & online (free access)
* dynamic tables, synchronized with calculators
* fully referenced
* highly organized and standardized

MediCalc® is part of the ScyMed® Network of MedicalApps, and the first and most comprehensive Medical Calculator System™ in the world, online since 1996... (>500,000 users & free online access).  Available in spanish.

Other Medical Apps developed by ScyMed include eH&P™, NephroCalc™, LiverCalc™, iDox™, Synt™ (Medical Intelligence Augmentation), etc. (mobile, online, EMR).

Sepsis: Assessment, Calculators & Data™

mCalx™ master calculator (patient-specific)
MultiCalx Panels
SEPSIS ICU (Intensive Care Unit) (SOFA + qSOFA + GFR_EPI + BMI)	
Septic Shock (definition)	

Individual Algorithms & equations:
NEWS & NEWS 2 Scores
quickSOFA  (quick Sequential Organ Failure Assessment Score)		
SOFA  (Sequential (Sepsis-related) Organ Failure Assessment Score)
LODS  (Logistic Organ Dysfunction System Score)	
SIRS  (Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome)	

Glasgow Coma Scale
MAP (mean Arterial Pressure)
PaO2/FiO2 (arterial O2 tension/Fraction of inspired O2 Ratio)

GFR_EPI  (Glomerular Filtration Rate-EPI)
GFR_cg (Glomerular Filtration Rate Cockcroft-Gault)	
GFR_mdrd4 (Glomerular Filtration Rate (MDRD-4))
GFR_mdrd6 (Glomerular Filtration Rate (MDRD-6))
GFR_Sch (Glomerular Filtration Rate Schwartz)
Chronic Kidney Disease Classification

BMI  (Body Mass Index)
Overweight & Obesity Classification
Body Surface Area

Conversion (temp, mass, length)

Copyright ScyMed Inc.