15 votes - Utilities - First release: 2017-01-17T19:33:46Z
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Marathi Calendar 2022 (Your pocket friendly Sanatan Panchang)
2022 Calendar App in Marathi for Hindus across the globe.
It gives us immense pleasure and pride to announce that we are now entering the 6th year. It is loyal users like you that inspire us to release this Marathi Calendar App for free yet again this year!
√ Quickly access Day, Date, Tithi and feature of the day on the dashboard !
√ Get notified of all festivals !
√ Works Offline after first download!
Would you rather have this Marathi Calendar 2022 in your own language ? No problem, if you speak English, Hindi, Marathi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Gujarati then we have the same high quality Calendar for FREE in all these languages !
Unique Features of the Marathi Calendar 2022 (Sanatan Panchang) -
1. Detailed tithis (Indian Calendar system. Both Amavasyant and Pournimant panchang systems have been incorporated). So each date box in the calendar is accompanied with details of tithis in Marathi.
2. High resolution Images of Hindu Gods and Goddesses for each month. Every day of every month in your calendar is blessed by God !
3. Compiled short notes and articles on Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma), Ayurved, Self Healing and more !
4. Articles on Nation & Dharma for the patriotic Indian in you !
5. Information for the Spiritually curious people… and much more !
6. New Section added for 'Survival Preparations for Adverse Times'
7. Get the benefits from video categories under video section. Do check नामजप सत्संग(Chanting Satsang), बालसंस्कार वर्ग (Balsanskar varg), सण-व्रते (Festival and Vrats), भावसत्संग (Devotional Satsang), धर्मसंवाद
Sanatan Panchang 2022 (Marathi Calendar) App Features -
1. 2022 Dindarshika - High resolution calendar pages in Marathi from January 2022 to December 2022, Last 3 months of 2021 also included.
2. Muhurt in 2022 - With Auspicious Muhurt dates, Marriage/Wedding dates, Upanayan dates, Special Muhurts available on Makarsankranti, Mahashivratri & Diwali.
3. Panchang - Detailed information on Tithi, Yog, Nakshatra, Karan etc.
4. Festivals of 2022 - List of various Hindu Festivals and Vrats, Details about Dates and Tithis of festivals, plus articles on ‘why and how to celebrate each festival’.
5. Ayurveda - With articles on how to lead a happy healthy life throughout the year.
6. Annual Holidays of 2022 - List of Annual Public Holidays for various states of India.
7. Sankashti Chaturthi Muhurt of 2022 - Moon rise timings tailor-made for various cities in India.
8. Sanatan Shop - One click facility to purchase books on Hindu Dharma and Spirituality as well as related products Online !
Like the Marathi Calendar 2022 (Sanatan Panchang) App ? You can also order hard copies of this Marathi calendar online for your home and office.
9. Share Articles - Like an article or date from the Marathi calendar ? Freely share this information with your family and friends on Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Email etc. !
10. Make a Donation - Donate for welfare of society, Nation & Dharma. Your small contribution can make a BIG impact.
You can contribute towards the activities of Sanatan Sanstha by donating as per your capacity !
And if you like the Marathi Calendar 2022 App, please encourage us ! We value your feedback and would love to hear from you ! For any feedback or suggestions, please write it to [email protected]