Description - 17+
Designed for physicians and nurses, nAble IVF EMR is a specialty specific App with an intuitive and easy to master user interface. nAble IVF interactive cycle management has built-in advanced treatment plans and ovarian stimulation protocols. One screen to monitor cycle progress, lab results, patient responses, and even adjust dosages and document outcomes.
Physician orders of labs, radiology, prescriptions, and recalls automatically become tasks to be completed by the nursing staff. Context sensitive dropdowns, picklists and plan templates assist the physician in completing the chart accurately and completely by simply tapping on the choices or manually entering the information.
Users have the choice to either use the native iPad App or access the patient information via the web-based nAble application, thus providing total mobility, real-time information sharing, and second to none user experience.
Download the App, the current nAble users sign-in with their site name, username and password, and begin using the App after viewing a brief tutorial. The App requires internet access to connect with the back-end nAbleMD database for patient data and clinical information.
• Interactive cycle management has built-in advanced treatment plans and ovarian stimulation protocols
• Tracking oocyte development starting from oocyte retrieval, culture, and embryo transfer
• Semen Analysis and Cryo management
• IVF specific layout, workflow, and plans for complete and accurate documentation of visits
• Extensive time-saving picklists and templates for history, exam, plans and common visits
• Document allergies, medications, alerts, and risk factors
• Electronically prescribe and transmit prescriptions
• Order, track and review labs, procedures, and radiology
• Patient Exam diagrams with annotation
• Telemedicine Video Call
• Search patient using barcode reader
• Integrated electronic billing and patient scheduling via the web application
• Track patient appointments and exam room assignments
• Receive, review, sign and send faxes from within the App
• Intra-office secure messaging system
• Send secure messages to patient with complete log of communication
• Real-time data sharing with the nAble web application
• Seamless integration with waiting room nAble Kiosk app and nAble Health patient portal app
• Access and review scanned charts, images and documents
• Ability to create and customize picklists, exam and plan templates
• Integrated E&M and procedure codes for easy charge capture