78 votes - Finance - First release: 2017-02-09T08:17:14Z
Description - 4+
NLB mKlik je aplikacija za mobilne uređaje putem koje na veoma brz, jednosatvan i siguran način obavljate sve finansijske transakcije i to bilo kad i bilo gde, 24 sata, sedam dana u nedelji. Sve što Vam je potrebno je da imate mobilni telefon i internet konekciju.
NLB mKlik Vam omogućava:
- Uvid u stanje i promet po računima i karticama
- Obavljanje plaćanja i prenos novca
- Plaćanje putem usluge PRENESI unosom broja mobilnog telefona koji je primalac sredstava registrovao za ovu uslugu
- Registracija za uslugu PRENESI
- Usluga DEEP LINK
- Podnošenje ONLINE zahteva za određenje uluge i realizacija bez odlaska u Banku
- Menjačke poslove
- Lokator ekpozitura i bankomata
- Mogućnost kreiranje šablona za plaćanje
- Zbirni prikaz oročenja štednje
- Uvid po kreditima sa svim detaljima
- Dopuna prepaid računa kod domaćih operatera
- Prijem poruka, kontaktiranje banke putem email-a, društvenih mreža ili telefona
- NLB digiKeš - slanje novca iz mBank aplikacije i podizanje poslatog novca 24/7 365 dana na svim bankomatima NLB Komercijalne banke
- Administracija platnih kartica
- Logovanje i autentifikacija otiskom prsta
Napomena: Nakon inicijalnog preuzimanja biće Vam potreban aktivacioni kod koji možete dobiti u najbližoj ekpozituri ili ukoliko ste već korisnik NLB eKlik aplikacije, sami možete inicirati slanje istog u opciji Podešavanja. NLB mKlik aplikaciju pokrećete unosom inicijalnog aktivacionog koda koji ste dobili SMS porukom. Nakon inicijalne aktivacije servisa, sami definišete PIN kod kojim se ubuduće prijavljujete. Unapređene funkcionalnosti NLB mKlik aplikacije mogu da se koriste na uređajima koji imaju iOS 9.0 ili noviji.
NLB mKlik enables you to perform all the financial transactions via your mobile device at any time and place in a fast, easy and safe way. The services is available 24 hours, seven days a week. All you need to have is mobile device and internet connection.
NLB mKlik offers you the following options:
- Check the balance and turnover on accounts and payment cards
- Perform payment and money transfer
- Payment via the PRENESI services by entering the mobile phone number registered by the recipient of funds for this service
- Register for the PRENESI service
- DEEP LINK service
- Submitting an ONLINE request for certain products and services, realization without going to the Branch
- Purchase/sell foreign currencies
- ATM and branch locator
- The ability to create payment templates
- Summary overview of fixed term savings
- Loans overview and the supporting details
- Top up the prepaid balance on mobile phone with domestic operators
- To contact the Bank via e-mail, social networks or telephone
- NLB digiKeš – transfer from mBank application and withdrawal of forwarded money 24/7 every day of the year at all NLB Komercijalna banka’s ATMs
- Payment cards administration
- Authentication and Payment verification via fingerprint for devices that allow such feature
Note: After the initial download you will need an activation code which you can get in the nearest branch of the Bank or, if you are already using NLB eKlik, you can initiate sending the activation code yourself within the current Setup on your web user account. After the initial activation of the service, you define your PIN code which is to be used for each next log in. Improved functionalities of mBank can be used on devices which have preinstalled iOS 9.0 or later.