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 13 votes - Sports - First release: 2017-07-26T09:06:11Z


Description - 4+

Connecting players, coaches, clubs and service providers such as, tournament directors and stringers in an online community. Our goals are to make any sport playing experience smooth and easy for all.

Get Instant update on your USTA and UTR ratings!!

Find USTA, UTR, ITF, NTRP ranking and rating information for Tennis players, GHIN ratings for golf players and USAPA ranks=ings for pickleball players. Get notified of your current ranking status and search for other players’ ranking.

Having Trouble to find players, Partners, and Coach?

Discover player, accomplice, sports pal's based on your region. Invite them for a game or chat with them. Setup a fun gets together, or practice among your friends through Host a match. Favorite your players and get in touch with them.

Search and book for venues, courts, turfs!!!

Find any indoor/ outdoor venues and courts to book and play. Favorite your sports venues for quick look up. Maintain your bookings in one calendar.

Explore events, tournaments, upcoming matches!!!

Explore Tennis, Golf, Pickle ball and Badminton tournaments that are near you. Find events based on your divisions for tennis and also get notified for the events that are near you.

Host a match and broadcast now!!!!

Host a match and send invites to players within location. Explore new partners for your game and improve your gaming skills.

Chat with Players!!!

Are you nervous to set up a match with a new person? Chat with them first before you send the invite!

Hot deals and Sports news for you!!!

Get all your sport's goods at best price and get notified for deals based on your region. Be updated on the recent sports news for your preferred sports and stay abreast.

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Stay live with us, we are still improvising more functionalities and features for all your sporty needs.