21 votes - Productivity - First release: 2018-06-25T17:37:44Z
Description - 4+
The Facial Tracking capability enabled by iPhone X has proven it’s accuracy and performance with its entertainingly impressive Animojis. Due to the built-in Depth Camera, the iPhone X's face tracking is highly accurate under most lighting conditions, providing a solid facial motion capture data source.
LIVE FACE is designed to stream the iPhone X's facial tracking data to desktop clients. After launching LIVE FACE, users can WiFi connect desktop clients either through iPhone hotspots, or computers sharing the same WiFi source. Just type in the IP address in the client site to enable the data feed.
LIVE FACE now supports CrazyTalk Animator 3, a Mac and PC application for 2D animation and custom character design. After setting up the IP connection, CTA3 users can realtime animate cartoon characters’ facial features including; eyeballs, eye brows, mouth shapes, and head rotation. Besides generating realtime live shows, users can also record the animated data for further editing.
In CTA3, the signal level of the facial features (Eyes, Brows, Eyelids, Mouth, Head) can be further augmented or diminished, via strength sliders, allowing users to fine-tine how expressive they wish character be during final recording.
Application programs prepare:
1.) Install CrazyTalk Animator 3.3 Pro version from the Mac app store to the Mac computer. (Apple ID: 1189506284)
2.) Use iPhone X to install LIVE Face from the iOS app store. (Apple ID: 1357551209)
. Environment setting:
1.) Turn on the iPhone X hotspot.
2.) Have the Mac computer connect to the iPhone X hotspot via USB.
*Please take note, that both programs need to connect to the same wifi domain.
. Set up application programs :
1.) Open the LIVE Face app on your iPhone X , you will see the message "Please connect your client software" popup.
2.) Open the CTA3.3 app on your Mac computer and import a character from the Content Manager on the right. (Actor tab/Character folder/1_G3 Human folder/Elastic Folks_Female_01_F.ctTBactor)
3.) Launch the facial mocap from the right-toolbar.
4.) Click on the "Server Setting" button in the top of the Facial Mocap panel, and you will see the server setting panel.
5.) Enter your IP address and Port number.
6.) Click on "OK".
*Note: If the connection failed, please check your IP address & Port number, and reconnect again .
7.) Click on the "Preview" or "Record" button, and you will see a popup message "please press SPACE key to preview/record".
8.) Press the SPACE bar to start your facial motion capture.