562 votes - Finance - First release: 2019-02-13T01:09:37Z
Description - 4+
Bez obzira na to gdje se nalazili, m-zabom možete:
• provjeravati stanja i promete po računima, štednjama i kreditima
• pronaći sve informacije o karticama, provjeriti PIN-ove i upravljati dnevnim limitima
• plaćati skeniranjem uplatnice putem usluge m-foto plati ili Sken u tren
• na najjednostavniji način prenositi novac uslugom IziPay; dovoljno je znati broj telefona primatelja
• ugovoriti štednju i gotovinski kredit
• trgovati udjelima u fondovima ZB Investa
• trgovati na svjetskim burzama uz uslugu ZB Trader Global.
m-zabu možete ugovoriti putem e-zabe ili u poslovnici Banke. Ostale usluge, kao što su pregled lokacija bankomata i poslovnica te tečajna lista, dostupne su svima, bez potrebe ugovaranja.
Zagrebačka banka posvećuje posebnu pozornost sigurnosti korisnika mobilnog bankarstva.
• PIN kojim se pristupa poznat je samo korisniku, stoga u slučaju krađe ili gubitka mobitela ne može doći do zlouporabe.
• Podaci o PIN-u i računima ne pohranjuju se u mobitel, a unos PIN-a zaštićen je varijabilnom tipkovnicom.
• Usluge kojima se pristupa PIN-om automatski se blokiraju u slučaju višestrukog uzastopnog unosa netočnog PIN-a.
• Nakon tri minute nekorištenja m-zaba će automatski odjaviti korisnika.
No matter where you are, with m-zaba you can:
• Check balance and transactions of your accounts, saving accounts and loans.
• Find information about cards, check PIN’s and manage daily limits.
• Pay your bills by scanning via the m-photo pay or the fast scan services.
• Easily transfer money using the IziPay service. Recipient’s phone number is all you need.
• Arrange savings and cash loan.
• Trade in the shares in ZB Invest funds.
• Trade on global stock exchanges using the ZB Trader Global service.
You can arrange m-zaba via e-zaba or in our branches.
Other services, such as the ATM locator and exchange rates, are available to everybody, without arranging.
Zagrebačka Banka pays special attention to the security of operations performed by mobile banking clients.
• PIN used to access the services is only known by the user and therefore there is no threat of abuse if a mobile device is stolen or lost.
• PIN and account information are not stored in the mobile device, and the entry of PIN is protected by a variable keypad.
• The services that are accessed by entering PIN are automatically blocked if an incorrect PIN is repeatedly entered.
• After a 3-minute period of inactivity, m-zaba automatically logs out the user.