Description - 4+
thoschCalc is a quick and easy-to-use pocket calculator that immediately calculates the result as you enter the term. In addition to the basic arithmetic operations, the constants
- pi, g, e, c0, G, mu, eu
and functions
- sqr (x), sqrt (x), pow (b; e)
- sin (x), cos (X), tan (x), acos (x), asin (x), atan2 (a; b)
- exp (x), ln (x), log (x), log10 (x), log2 (x)
- abs (x), trunc (x), round (x), mod (a; b)
- max (x1; ..; xn), min (x1; ..; xn)
can be integrated into the calculation steps.
Numbers of different units of the same dimension are automatically converted into the set unit of the calculation result before the calculation:
- Length: mm, cm, dm, m, km, inches, feet, yards, mi, nm
--Area: mm ^ 2, cm ^ 2, dm ^ 2, m ^ 2, km ^ 2, inches ^ 2, feet ^ 2, yard ^ 2, mi ^ 2, nm ^ 2, ha
- Volume: mm ^ 3, cm ^ 3, dm ^ 3, m ^ 3, km ^ 3, inches ^ 3, feet ^ 3, yard ^ 3, mi ^ 3, nm ^ 3, ml, l, oz, oz (us), gal, gal (us), bbl, bbl (us)
- Weight: µg, mg, g, kg, t, lbs
- Time and date: t, ms, s, min, h, day, week, year
- Temperature: Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin
- Speed: m / s, km / h, mph, fps, kn
The entered term and the result can be transferred to other programs with a long press and copy or paste. The color of the background can be changed by shaking it (iOS only) or via a dialog.
The free version can be used 50 times with the full range of functions. After that, from version 6.0 onwards, you have to take out an annual subscription (the further development not only lives from air and love and not every extension is permanently free despite earlier one-time purchase) or only calculations without constants, functions or units are possible.
In the free version, the last 5 previous calculations can be restored using a selection box or by swiping vertically on the input field. An in-app purchase can increase the number of previous calculations to 500. With another in-app purchase, the history (optionally including the results) can be displayed in a separate table in which earlier terms can be searched for in order to use them for further calculations.
Terms of Use: