14 votes - Social Networking - First release: 2019-10-11T07:00:00Z
Description - 4+
Assemble makes being involved in local government easy. Easily vote on topics and view government decisions in your community. Updates to topics and discussions come delivered right to your phone, straight from your representatives and city employees. Once you share your opinion, you can see how others in the community voted and be informed when a final decision is made.
Instead of attending city meetings, rarely being able to speak, and voting but maybe once a year, Assemble lets your voice be heard every week. Your vote is used to keep elected representatives accountable, and to ensure government transparency.
Your vote and the vote of others is used by your representatives to make better decisions for your community. Don't like what the outcome was? Express your opinion by submitting additional comments and continuing to vote. Assemble was crafted to provide you with a voice without the high cost of local meetings, emailing representatives who you never hear from, or calling an automated machine at a government office.
Participating in local politics has never been so simple. Our mission at Assemble is to provide transparency and accountability to local, state, and federal governments, and to empower citizens with a real voice.