Description - 4+
This app will give patient option to enter their details of their diseases at their convenience from home or office, along with easy on your finger tip appointment scheduling, easy access to you medical history, treatment and medication schedule with other suggested options over phone in this app SHNaPP.
Common Pain issues for which this app could be used:
- Back pain, Slip Disc and Spinal stenosis (Tightness of spine, pressing nerve)
- Neck Pain, Cervical Spondylosis or slip disc
- Chronic shoulder, arm, Hip, Knee, Leg and Foot Pain
- Cancer Pain (early or late)
- Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (New name CRPS, type 1 and 2) where patient has pain, burning, numbness without any obvious reason inspite of regular treatment options
- Nerve related pains like Neuropathic Pain, Neuralgias, Neuropathies and Central Pain like Trigeminal Neuralgia, Post herpetic neuralgia, diabetic neuropathy or even post limb amputation pain
- Headache and Facial pain.
-Post surgery pain due to any kind of surgery (commonly spine or hernia or chest wall surgeries incisions)
- Any other pain lasting for more than 3 months even after effective medical or surgical treatment
Download app, install it and open your account
Give details of your disease in the new case section
Choose if you want to do online or hospital consultation
Schedule appointment, reschedule and cancel as you wish (get SMS and email confirmation of it)
Upload your blood, CT or MRI reports online at your convenience
Consultation your doctor online over phone or go to hospital in person to discuss treatment options
Followup with your doctor online or in person to understand if the treatment is going in correct direction
Consultation and followup reports can be mailed to you, your family doctor or any other referral doctor
Chatting option to get some clarification of your doubts about disease or treatment with doctor
You can consult your family as well on this as well with one account
Take advantage of online consultation, at your convenient time, at your convenient place, avoiding city traffic and crowd
One can even plan for online Counselling for personal or family or professional issues with renowned Psychologist with the help of this app
This app is useful for anyone who is suffering from chronic pain from the above mentioned ailments.
You feedback is useful. Do leave them over the app feedback section
Phone number: +919892989588
Email: [email protected]