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Bar Prep Hero: Bar Exam & MBE

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 11 votes - Education - First release: 2021-03-16T07:00:00Z


Description - 12+

BarPrepHero is the new no-fail way to pass your bar exam on the first try – without memorizing dated outlines. 

Save $1,000s when you unlock over 1,100+ real, NCBE-licensed MBE questions from past exams (every question ever released), plus 500+ simulated MBEs exclusive to Bar Prep Hero that you won't find anywhere else. Each question comes with a detailed rationale and a cited case. 

You'll also get every single official MEE essay and MPT question ever released (1997-2021) with full analyses, legal points, facts, and possible issues. Model answers allow you to know exactly what the examiners and essay graders look for.

- Real MBE questions, MEE essays, and MPT performance tests
- Powerful Passing Probability analytics
- Unlimited MBE Exam Simulator
- Real-time answer explanations with cited cases
- No time constraints

Bar Prep Hero is the only platform that gives you MBE, MEE, and MPT questions with cited cases, explanations, and analyses so the legal principles behind everything you read actually sink in. You can study on demand - without a classroom or a prescribed multi-week course. Plus, you save $1,000s.

The core of bar prep is to quickly review the black letter law and then practice, practice, practice. The repeated practice is what helps sink the black letter law better in your head. Bar Prep Hero is an effective, affordable, and no-nonsense program with a focus on multiple-choice questions and more variety and flexibility than most traditional bar review courses. 

Unlike other programs that only unlock after a certain date, Bar Prep Hero is available immediately and doesn't expire.

Single-subject and mixed-subject practice:
Build confidence with various test types. Review detailed rationales and cited cases to make sure you fully understand the answers.

Automatic tracking of problem questions:
When you miss a question, it shows up in your Challenge Bank™. Learn from your mistakes, practice 'til you get them right.

Practice with real questions anytime, anywhere. When you have to rush out of the house. Or you’re on your phone waiting for an appointment. Or it’s late at night and your eyes are burning. Take BarPrepHero on the train. Into the doctor’s office. With you to bed.

Every single MEE & MPT ever released by NCBE®
Get your hands on the last 23 years of official MEE essays - with full analyses. Plus the last 23 years of MPT tests, complete with the legal points, facts, and possible issues within the lawyering tasks described. These handy printable PDFs contain all MEE and MPT materials administered on February or July bar exams from 1997 to 2021.

"It's a great tool for students throughout law school and bar prep. It allows them to work single-subject or mixed topic MBE-style questions with immediate feedback that reinforces the legal principle being tested. My students have reported that they feel more confident after doing the BarPrepHero questions. The system builds a "challenge bank" of missed questions to help students continue to learn from their mistakes and improve their performance."
- Prof. Amy B. Meyers, Director of Bar Preparation, Willamette University College of Law

"LOVE these guys! Bar Prep Hero Premium offers the most complete collection of real bar exam questions licensed directly from NCBE (the organization that writes the exam.) Thousands of MCQ questions and detailed explanations. I have been telling my students in my bar review course to access these practice questions and I am getting some really good feedback."
- Prof. Meredith Muller, Professor of Law, Abraham Lincoln University

BarPrepHero is free to download, giving you unlimited demo access to over 300 simulated MBE questions. The program is also available online at https://barprephero.com

Let us help you breeze through your Bar exam.
Don't let the exam stand between you and your dream job. Download now and Get the practice and confidence you need to pass this year and jump-start your legal career.