3 votes - Utilities - First release: 2010-09-21T20:43:34Z
Description - 4+
Solve anagram and crossword puzzles quickly! Just enter the anagram or known crossword letters and the app will find all the possible word matches. This can be used with many different types of word puzzles or any traditional crossword puzzle. Simply select the type of puzzle you need assistance with (anagram or crossword) from the app settings and app will process the input accordingly.
Select any of the following word lists for finding matches:
--American English (~100,000 words) (Standard & Proper Names)
--British English (~100,000 words) (Standard & Proper Names)
--TWL (~175,000 words) (USA/Canada Scrabble® tournament word list
--ENABLE (~175,000 words) (The Enhanced North American Benchmark Lexicon)
--SOWPODS (~275,000 words) (British/Australian Scrabble® tournament word list)
--ODS (~375,000 words) (French Scrabble® tournament word list)
Sort the results based on any of the following criteria: (The iPad and macOS versions can display multiple sorted columns simultaneously.)
--Match Percentage (anagram only)
--Alphabetical (ascending/descending)
--Word Length (ascending/descending) (anagram only)
--Word Count (ascending/descending)
Select a word result to look up the definition on an online dictionary site. The following sites can be used:
--Wiktionary (English)
--Wiktionary (French)
You can enter multiple words at a time. You can also specify whether multiple words can be found within each individual word input. Use a question mark (?) character as a wildcard or blank tile in anagram mode. Use a question mark (?) character to represent unknown letters in crossword mode.
Available on both the iOS and macOS App Stores.