18 votes - Entertainment - First release: 2010-11-17T20:25:38Z
Description - 12+
60 fun sound effects including alarms, beer, medieval, sci-fi, screams, laughter, and more! Crack the whip, crush a beer can on your head, slip on a banana peel, shoot off a bottle rocket, sound an air horn and more fun noises to entertain and/or annoy!
Get the best fun soundboard app now!
Fun sound effects and soundboards include:
Alarms & Horns
- air horn
- bike horn
- fog horn
- industrial alarm
- intruder alert
- train whistle
Beer sounds
- bottles clanking
- can opening
- pour glass full
- slurp
- crush can on head
- burp
Farm Animal Sounds
- cow
- goat
- horse
- pig
- sheep
Fight Sound Effects
- bone crush
- jab
- kick
- left hook
- right cross
- upper cut
Insects and Reptiles
- bee
- cricket
- grasshopper
- mosquito
- frog
- rattlesnake
Jungle Animal Sounds
- chimp
- elephant
- gorilla
- lion
- monkey
- macaw
Laughs & Applause
- applause
- evil
- kid
- male
- witch
- yahoo
Medieval Sounds
- battle axe swing
- bone crush
- catapult
- flame arrow
- swords clash
- torch
Military Sounds
- bomb
- glock
- grenade
- P90
- sonic boom
- tank
Power Tool Sounds
- air wrench
- chainsaw
- drill
- electricity
- sander
- table saw
Random Sounds
- banana peel slip
- bottle rocket
- cuckoo clock
- magical
- triangle dinner bell
- whip
Sci-Fi Sound Effects
- alien brain scanner
- computer
- martian scanner
- robot computing
- time travel
- ambulance
- cop car
- fire truck
- siren
- warning
- whoop whoop
Screams & Roars
- cat
- human
- monster
- pterodactyl
- T-rex
- velociraptor
Sports Sounds
- boxing
- buzzer
- crowd boo
- hockey puck slap
- bullfighter ole
- umpire play ball
Download all these fun sounds for free!