8 votes - Education - First release: 2011-01-05T22:02:42Z
Description - 4+
Best way to learn Arabic language is to always have a pocket dictionary. Offline Arabic & English bidirectional translation with pronunciation. Very useful for Travelers, Students, Teachers etc. whoever want to learn Arabic.
أفضل طريقة للتعلم اللغة الإنجليزية هو أن يكون معك قاموس جيبي دائما. ترجمة بدون اتصال ترجمة والنطق.
مفيد جدا للمسافرين, والمدرسين, والطلاب أو لمن يريد التعلم اللغة الإنجليزية
- OFFLINE Dictionary. No internet connection required
- 1,17,000+ Arabic Words To English Translation
- 1,30,000+ English Words To Arabic Translation
- Pronunciation of English Translation
- Pronunciation of Arabic Translation
- Universal App (iPod touch/iPhone/iPad/Watch)
- Most Commonly Used Arabic & English Words
- Retina Display Support
- Fast Search Capability
- No Advertisement
- User Friendly Interface
- Mark your words that you learned or forget always.
NOTE: Please don't use this dictionary for translating Hadith/Quran.
لقاموس العربي يحتوي على كلمات شائعة نستخدمها في حياتنا اليوميةز إنه مفيد جداً للقادرين على التعلم بسرعة والذين تعتبر اللغة العربية لغتهم الأم و يرغبون في تعلم اللغة الإنجليزية
For Arabic Keyboard Support Please follow the following steps in your iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad Settings.
Settings->General->Keyboard->International Keyboards->Add New Keyboard->Arabic
What current users are saying about the dictionary
"More useful than other electronic dictionaries I've tried. I'm in language training for work right now and I came in with almost no Arabic vocabulary. This app includes even obscure words I can't find in other dictionaries and sometimes it will give me a verb without making me break it down to the root first." - by Taliba (from USA)
"Nice job. This dictionary was very helpful for me to pick the meaning of words either in Arabic or English. Thanks a lot. Will be awesome if you can add the phrasl verb to the English dictionary such as (pick up, cut off, figure out, write down,...)" - by ح بيوسف (from USA)
"Finally I found what I think it can be satisfy my desire" - by almog83 (from Malaysia)
"ممتاز وسهل الاستخدام" - by Masdof (from Saudi Arabia)