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 25 votes - Medical - First release: 2011-02-05T01:01:28Z


Description - 12+

Pedi QuikCalc is the fastest, most up-to-date medical calculator for pediatrics! 
* LISTED #1 in Contemporary Pediatrics review "Top 10 apps for pediatrics" (Feb 2017)
* RANKED #3 in the Pediatric Annals review "10 Useful Apps for Everyday Pediatric Use" (May 2012)
* RATED 4.5/5 stars by iMedicalApps "a must-have for anyone who sees children in their practice." (Sep 2012)
* "Updated PediQuikCalc app is a great tool for Pediatricians" iMedicalApps (Jul 2014)
* "Top 10 Family Medicine Apps" iMedicalApps (Dec 2014)
* "Very Useful Outpatient Pediatric Tool" PedsApps (Mar 2013)

Pedi QuikCalc gives you instant access to weight-based drug dosing, IV fluid rates, and weight conversions. Pedi QuikCalc contains only the information you actually need every day, so you can find it fast.  I can’t tell you the last time I needed to calculate the A-a gradient!  Additional calculators like an Estimator for weight- and length-for-age, Growth Charts, Weight vs Gestational Age, Bilirubin evaluation, BMI-for-age, Blood Pressure Percentile, Adjusted Mid-Parental Height, and a flexible Dosage Calculator expand on these core functions.

Here's what users are saying:
"A must have app for every pediatrician! Nothing like it out there."
"Indispensable app for busy Pediatricians"
"Great app _INCREDIBLE_ support!"
"If I was only allowed to pick one app... this would be the one"
"Has eliminated the need to use about 5 separate apps"
"LOVE THIS APP! Saves me so much time!!!"
"This is what I need! Saves time. Nice interface!"


• Weight-based pediatric medical and dosing calculator
• Innovative data entry and automation display results quickly and clearly WITH LESS TAPPING!
• Universal App for all iOS devices, supporting the latest iPhone and iPad models

• INSTANTLY find weight-based drug dosing and need-to-know prescribing information
• AUTOMATICALLY suggests best drug dosing and formulation
• Auto-updating Drug Formulary keeps you current
• Add drugs to your Favorites list and instantly access them with a single tap
• Single tap access to Pediatric Advanced Life Support medications
• Flexible Dosage Calculator to fine-tune drug dosing
• Estimate weight- and length-for-age using the latest CDC growth data

• Searchable drug list contains hundreds of medications and topicals frequently used in general pediatrics
• Drug information includes breast-feeding and pregnancy categories, and need to adjust dosing in hepatic and renal failure
• ENHANCED DRUG SEARCH allows searching by trade or generic name OR by pharmaceutical category (like “Cephalosporin,” or “CNS Stimulant”) or by usage category like Community Acquired MRSA ("CA-MRSA")
• Pain management drug dosing, searchable by categories like "Analgesic," or "Opioid"

• The fastest, clearest Bilirubin calculator for viewing bilirubin risk zone interpretations and thresholds, plotting bilirubin on the risk, phototherapy, and exchange transfusion nomograms, and viewing the AAP recommendations for evaluation and treatment of hyperbilirubinemia.
• FIRST-OF-ITS-KIND BMI-for-age calculator displays numerical and graphical results using CDC BMI tables
• Clearest pediatric Blood Pressure calculator to screen and manage blood pressure using the latest 2017 AAP Clinical Practice Guidelines for Screening and Management of High Blood Pressure in Children and Adolescents
• Plot length and weight on WHO or CDC growth charts
• Reference latest AAP, CDC Immunization schedules

• Calculate IV fluid boluses, staged rehydration, and maintenance rates
• Convert patient weights between Pounds/Ounces and Kilograms
• Calculate weight change and percent weight change
• Compute patient's age from Date of Birth or Time of Birth

• Adjusted Mid-Parental Height calculator
• Additional calculators, references and access to useful web links expand core features!