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 18 votes - Utilities - First release: 2011-08-30T07:00:00Z


Description - 4+

Pool Boy is here to save you from forgetting all the tasks involved in maintaining a pool.  Pool Boy also includes calculators, and note taking to facilitate pool ownership.   Insert your pools shape, name, and volume and Pool Boy's calculators will help you when it comes to dosing chemicals, remind you of certain tasks, and take good care of your pool. Pool Boy is the only App to give alerts without clogging up your calendar and sync among your iDevices.

Update 8/21/19
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Multiple Pools
Task Alert System
Equipment Log
Calculates volume based on size and shape
Shows recommended water flow after volume is known
Social and Email Sharing
Performed Tasks History by Pool

You can set up alerts for simple tasks such as adding chlorine, cleaning baskets, cleaning the filters, topping off the water, or some less frequent such as replacing the sand in the filter or whichever you desire since all alerts are fully customizable by day interval between alerts, time, and alert name.

Pool Boy also has a nifty water parameter log which includes fields for pH, Chlorine, Alkalinity, Total Dissolved Solids, Calcium, Cyanuric Acid, and Salinity.  You can then graph each test over a week, month, 6 months, or 1 year individually.

Pool Boy's calculators are adjustable to fit your maintenance products needs.

With Pool Boy Pro you can monitor and set up alerts for an unlimited amount of pools, perfect for a store, professional, or an individual with a couple pools to maintain.  Pool Boy Pro does not display ads. 

   •   Chlorine shows the level of disinfecting chlorine available to keep your pool sanitary.

   •   pH indicates how acidic or basic the water is.

   •   Total alkalinity indicates the water's ability to buffer pH changes.  Buffering means you need to use a larger quantity of a chemical to change the pH.

   •    Over time, water with low calcium levels will tend to dissolve calcium out of plaster, pebble, tile, stone, concrete, and to some extent fiberglass surfaces.

   •   Cyanuric acid, often called stabilizer or sometimes conditioner, both protects Chlorine from sunlight and lowers the effective strength of the Chlorine.

   •   The level of Total Dissolved Solids in the pool is influenced by the chemicals we add, dust, dirt, human waste, and objects which fall into the pool.

   •   Salinity is for those who have salt water pools to be able to log the amount of salt in the water.