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Running Social Story and Visual Tool About When and Where to

See also: Top 20 alternatives to Running Social Story and

 15 votes - Education - First release: 2012-05-24T23:35:59Z


Description - 4+

A simple visual tool to help teach children where and when it is safe or unsafe to run. The app includes a social story that teaches why it is OK to run sometimes and not other times. The app includes a visual cue that can be used to signal to  when it’s OK, or not OK to run to generalize the skills taught in this app to the community. 

The app opens up to a simple visual tool that can be used to show and tell children if they can or cannot run at that time or place.  There are also instructions for using the app and a social story that explains why it is unsafe to run in certain situations. The story also explains the visual tool so the child knows when he/she can and cannot run. 

Many children, particularly those diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, Down syndrome or other special need, enjoy running and can run away from parents, or in a busy street without thought to the consequences. 

Children with special needs often need more direct and visual instruction of what they can and cannot do or have. Teaching when and where it is safe to run to any child may be easier and less stressful when visual supports, like social stories and visual cues are used. This social story explains accurate information and ensures that your child will know when and where to run. 
Social stories are an important type of visual support often used with children diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, Down syndrome or other special need. 

Social stories were first defined by Carol Gray in 1991 and are commonly used to break down a task or social situation into small and easy to understand steps, often accompanied by descriptive pictures. Social stories are incredibly easy to implement and are used by many professionals for a wide range of behaviors.