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 88 votes - News - First release: 2013-06-11T19:46:58Z


Description - 4+

RO: Toate stirile care conteaza, intr-un singur loc

Aplicatia Ziare.com iti aduce pe iPhone cel mai interesant flux de stiri din presa interna si internationala, actualizat minut cu minut, 24 din 24 de ore, 7 zile din 7.
Navighezi simplu si usor prin sute de stiri si informatii utile de pe Ziare.com, citesti articole in exclusivitate si afli mereu primul ce se intampla.

Acum poti sa vezi continut foto si video si poti sa dai share pe Facebook si Twitter.

Instaleaza gratuit aplicatia si primesti pe telefon:

- doar stirile care te intereseaza
- alerte de vreme extrema
- toate ziarele de top, la un loc
- stiri din orasul tau
- notificari de breaking news
- starea drumurilor in orice moment
- cursul valutar BNR, meteo si horoscop

Pentru sugestii si comentarii ne puteti scrie pe adresa: [email protected]

EN: News that really matters

Ziare.com app brings to your iPhone the most interesting Romanian and world news feed, updated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Browse easily through hundreds of news and useful information on Ziare.com, read exclusive stories and always be the first to know when something's happening.
Now you can see photos and video content and you can share on Facebook and Twitter the things you like. 

Install our free app and you'll get on your iPhone:

- only news you really want to read
- severe weather alerts & warnings
- all the other top newspapers 
- news reports from your town
- live breaking news alerts
- live traffic and road conditions
- exchange rates, weather forecast and horoscope

E-mail us at [email protected] for any suggestions, feedback or requests you have regarding the Ziare.com app.