1 votes - Medical - First release: 2013-12-01T06:38:14Z
Description - 17+
"Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Risk Assessment Tool"
"Pooled Cohort Risk Equations, 2013"
***From the new ACC/AHA Guidelines***
The ASCVD 10y Risk Assessment algorithm presented here is the new "Pooled Cohort Risk Equations" from the Guideline on the Assessment of Cardiovascular Risk of the ACC/AHA.
It calculates the 10-year primary risk of ASCVD (atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease) among patients without established cardiovascular disease who are between 40 and 79 years of age. You can also compute the traditional Framingham Risk, NCEP, Metabolic Syndrome, BMI, GFR, etc.
ASCVD Risk App is part of MediCalc®, the best and most comprehensive "Medical Calculator System™" in the world (continuosly updated). It performs automatic computation of more than 450 clinical formulas, equations & scores "commonly used" in medical practice.
MediCalc® features the innovative MULTICALX™ Master panels for combined calculations, they assure convenience and accuracy. It also includes valuable "point of care information".
+Unique reference, productivity and decision support tool.
+Trusted resource with proven and reliable data processing.
+For physicians, residents, med students, PAs and NPs...
+Developed by Board-certified physicians in the US.
+Highly acclaimed, reviewed and tested (since 1996).
The MediCalc® FEATURES:
(the best and proven clinical data processing)
* arithmetical processing
* automatic unit conversion
* multiple-unit entries
* color-coded normal-abnormal outputs
* normal values (ranges & limits)
* automatic range-checks (limits)
* intuitive user interface
* easy navigation and info access
* Search bar with filters
* smart decimal rounding
* Système International notation
* tables of parameters
* mobile & online (free access)
* expanded equation views
* fully referenced
* highly organized and standardized
MediCalc® is part of the ScyMed® Network of MedicalApps, and the first and most comprehensive Medical Calculator System™ in the world, online since 1996... (tens of thousands of users & free online access). Available in spanish and italian.