174 votes - Entertainment - First release: 2013-11-23T00:56:09Z
Description - 12+
Anime Wallpapers for your device offers 50,000+ high quality Japan manga or animation wallpapers.
You can find more than 600+ kinds of anime. such as new fan anime: Attack on Titan, K-ON!, Haiyore, Kuroko No Basketball
very suitable for people who like cartoons and anime and cg games
* UI simple but not simple, easy slide page can be enjoying massive wallpaper!
* Strong community sharing feature, so your favorite pictures can be shared to Facebook, Twitter, Weibo!
* Slide View mode lets your iPad / iPhone electronic photo frame!
* Rich and beautifully massive wallpaper, you do not need to bother to search the Internet!
* Powerful search function, classified the search box at the top of the list, type the desired wallpaper can!
* Category clear guarantee that you can quickly locate their own preferences, and find what you want one!
* Category independent sort, click on the page to select the latest picture or the most popular pictures
* Clear the cache automatically, saving you space!
* Integrated within the app user feedback, click on the page i can easily feedback!
* Update Wallpaper everyday!
* Upload images by yourself.
Main Categories include:
- Angel heartbeat
- Attack on Titan
- Story
- Black Rock Shooter
- Bleach
- Card Captor Sakura
- Rebellious Lulu repair
- Death Note
- Detective Conan
- Dragon Ball
- Naruto
- One Piece
- Pokemon
- Spice and Wolf
- Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
- Kingdom Hearts
- Sword Art Online
- K ON!
- InuYasha
- Hatsune Miku
- Fate
- Fruits Basket
- Fullmetal Alchemist
- Sailor Moon
- Gundam SEED
- Tsubasa
- Shakugan no Shana
- Other Anime