283 votes - Utilities - First release: 2014-07-13T04:14:28Z
Description - 4+
CoinDash is a cryptocurrency mining monitor and dashboard app that supports many popular mining multipools including Ethermine, Flypool, F2Pool, NanoPool, SparkPool, Mining Pool Hub, AntPool, SlushPool, EthPool, 2Miners, Suprnova, MineXMR, and CoinMine. That's 13 mining monitor apps in one! It supports hundreds of cryptos including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Monero, Dash, Zcash and a host of other altcoins.
Statistics are displayed in a single scrollable pane grouped by category for quick and easy viewing, including hash rates, difficulty, earnings, projected earnings, shares submitted, last/current block, and workers. Also includes summary stats widget support for your favorite coins.
Check out the the 24 hour hash rate charts + graphical display of hash rates for all your workers color-keyed by coin, effortless switching between supported coins and multipools, intuitive pull-to-refresh updates of dashboard graphics and statistics, and flagging of workers with high invalid shares for those multipools that support it.
Now you can watch your bitcoins and altcoins pile up in style. Your eyes will thank you. Happy mining!
• Dark mode support for iOS 13+
• Notification of hash rate drops configurable in Settings
• Summary stats widget; tap the heart to add your favorite coins to the summary stats widget
• Tap any coin pool in the summary stats widget to open detailed stats for that coin in CoinDash
• 24 hour hash rate charts for multipools that support hash rate history
• Graphical display of active workers and their percentage of the total miner hash rate
• Display the most important mining statistics color-keyed to coin type
• Pull-to-refresh of statistics for the current coin and multipool
• Context-sensitive coin selection and settings panes which adapt to the currently selected multipool[1]
• Fast, simple, and intuitive switching between multipools and coins
• Worker views show accepted/rejected share stats and percentages for those multipools that support it
• Show workers in bright red when rejected shares goes above a user-specified threshold specified in Settings
• Option to show projected earnings in coins or USD for month, week, day, and hour (Ethermine, Flypool, NanoPool, EthPool)
2Miners - 2miners.com
AntPool - antpool.com
CoinMine.pl - coinmine.pl
Ethermine - ethermine.org
EthPool - ethpool.org (Ethereum solo mining)
F2Pool - f2pool.com
Flypool - zcash.flypool.org
MineXMR - minexmr.org
Mining Pool Hub - miningpoolhub.com (also supports some delisted coins)
NanoPool - nanopool.com
SparkPool - sparkpool.com
SlushPool - slushpool.com
Suprnova - suprnova.cc (also supports some delisted coins)
1. CoinDash supports hundreds of coins/algos across 13 popular mining multipools. Tap the multipool name in the top center of the screen to change multipools. Tap the top left coin button to change coin pools for the current multipool. Both the coin selection button and settings button are context-sensitive and apply to the current multipool.
2. Some stats for a few Suprnova coin pools are often unavailable due to down stats servers or request throttling.
3. Workers are flagged in bright red when they surpass the rejected shares threshold in Settings
4. Access the summary stats widget in iOS 14+ by: a) swiping to the widget screen, b) scroll to the bottom, c) tap "Edit", d) scroll to the bottom again, e) tap "Customize", f) add the pre-iOS 14 widget of your choice.
5. To receive low hash rate notifications, you must add the summary stats widget to your widget screen, and select the favorites button in the main app for those coins you want to receive notifications. You can change the notification threshold for each coin independently in Settings.