Description - 4+
747 EICAS (Engine Gauges) Upper & Lower with Info/Warnings:
Prepar3D v2,v3,& v4
Microsoft Flight Simulator X
(Optimized for All 747models)
(Mostly functional on PMDG)
FSX/P3Dv2,v3,& v4
!! Features !!
Automated Fuel Management System
Optional Instant Fuel Balance / Distribute
Upper EICAS - Full Display
Lower EICAS - Engines Display
Lower EICAS - Fuel Tank Display
Lower EICAS - Manual Fuel Supply Valve Select Display
--ALL 4 Engines--
EPR gauge w/Throttle Position Indicators
REVERSER Active Indicators
N1 gauges
EGT gauges
N2 gauges
Fuel Flow Indicators (optimized for 747)
Ol Pressure gauges
Temperature gauges
Nacel Heat(Engine Deice) & Wing Deice Indicators
Air Temp: TAT & OAT
Wind: Direction & Speed
Fuel Capacity
Fuel Quantity: Gallons & Pounds
Gross Weight (Actual)
Flaps & Flaps Lever Indicators(optimized for 747 & 737)
Gear Position Indicators(Up, Down, In Transition)
Engine Fire
APU Fire
Stall Warning w/sound
Auto Pilot Disconnect Warning
Auto Spoiler Arm & % of deployed flaps
DOOR Open Indicators 1-8(most have only 4)
AutoBrake Switch & Info Text
Parking Brake Indicator
Slats Indicator % of deployed Slats
Engine Starter Active Indicators
Engine Generator Inactive Indicators
Low Fuel Warning: Left & Center & Right
Hydraulic Pressure 1 - 4 LOW Warnings
APU Available Indicator
APU Gen Active Indicator
Landing Gear Lever w/Swipe Control
PREPAR3D v4 users:
"MUST" have Pete Dawson's FSUIPC5 with or without WIDEFS7 installed on PC (registered FSUIPC is preferred but unregistered"FREE" functions also).
Available at:
FSX / PREPAR3D v2 & v3 users:
"MUST" have Pete Dawson's FSUIPC4 with or without WIDEFS7 installed in FSX (registered FSUIPC is preferred but unregistered"FREE" functions also).
Available at:
XPlane users:
"MUST" have XPUIPC or WPWideClient installed.
Available at
User "MUST" also download and Install the Latest version of FSS Server (a very LIGHT weight server) from
README is include in the download. **SIMPLE** 1-5 minutes NO Key Assignment install and you are ready
"FULLY COMPATIBLE with SkeeterBilt FlyPod"
Many Thanks to all that contributed to XPUIPC
Many Thanks to Pete Dawson, Istavan Varadi, and all that contributed to FSUIPC