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 6 votes - Finance - First release: 2014-10-12T14:56:50Z


Description - 4+

Budite maksimalno mobilni uz ATOS mBank! 

ATOS BANK a.d Banja Luka predstavlja ATOS mBank, uslugu mobilnog bankarstva za fizička lica. Usluga ATOS mBank Vam omogućava: 

- Detaljne informacije o svim računima otvorenim u Banci
- Transfer novca između vlastitih računa i transakcije na račune drugih fizičkih i pravnih lica
- Plaćanje na broj telefona - Umjesto broja računa u nalog popunite broj telefona primaoca i izaberite jednu od opcija "Na račun" ili "Na bankomat"
- Podizanje novca bez kartice - Kreirajte sebi transakcioni kod i na bankomatu ATOS mBank podignite novac bez upotrebe debitne kartice
- Šablone plaćanja - Iste šablone je moguće koristiti u dvije usluge ATOS mBank i Online banking
- Slanje PDF izvoda na email adresu
- Slanje PDF potvrde za izvršene naloge plaćanja na email adresu
- Privremenu blokadu platnih kartica - U slučaju gubitka, krađe ili sumnje u moguću zloupotrebu kartice/a
- Pregled kursne liste i konverziju/zamjenu valuta
- Online zahtjeve za proizvode Banke (Kredit; Platne kartice; Prekoračenje po tekućem računu;Paketi računa)
- Informativne kalkulatore štednje i kredita
- Osnovne informacije i pretragu svih poslovnica i bankomata Banke
- Kontakt Banke direktno iz aplikacije (Brojevi telefona; Lični bankar; E-mail adresa; Web stranica)
- Pre-login funkcionalnosti – Opcije koje uvijek možete koristiti iako se niste aktivirali ili prijavili u aplikaciju
- DEMO aplikaciju - Mogućnost da u potpunosti vizuelno i funkcionalno upoznate ATOS mBank aplikaciju

Prednosti ATOS mBank usluge: 

- Dostupnost usluge 24 sata gdje god da se u datom trenutku nalazite i imate pristup internetu 
- Bezbjednost 
- Povoljnije naknade na realizovane naloge plaćanja 
- Ušteda vremena 
- Jednostavnost aktivacije i upotrebe


ATOS BANK a.d. Banja Luka presents ATOS mBank application! ATOS mBank offers following functionalities: 

- Detailed information on all accounts opened with the Bank
- Transfer of money between own accounts and transactions to accounts of other natural and legal persons
- Payment by phone number - Instead of the account number in the order, fill in the recipient's phone number and select one of the options "To account" or "To ATM"
- Withdraw money without a card - Create a transaction code for yourself and withdraw money at an ATM mBank ATM without using a debit card
- Payment templates - The same templates can be used in two services ATOS mBank and Online banking
- Sending a PDF statement to an email address
- Sending a PDF confirmation for executed payment orders to an email address
- Temporary blocking of payment cards - In case of loss, theft or suspicion of possible misuse of the card (s)
- Exchange rate overview and currency conversion / exchange
- Online requests for the Bank's products (Credit; Payment cards; Current account overdraft; Account packages)
- Informative savings and loan calculators
- Basic information and search of all branches and ATMs of the Bank
- Contact the Bank directly from the application (Phone numbers; Personal banker; E-mail address; Website)
- Pre-login functionality - Options that you can always use even if you have not activated or logged in to the application
- DEMO application - Ability to fully visually and functionally get to know the ATOS mBank application

Advantages of ATOS mBank:

- Availability of the service 24 hours a day, wherever you are at the moment and have access to the Internet
- Security
- More favorable fees for realized payment orders
- Save time
- Ease of activation and use