20 votes - Music - First release: 2014-11-06T00:12:21Z
Description - 4+
zMors modular is a modular synthesizer. You can add
various modules to your patch and connect them with
cables. You can use hardware gear with up to 8 usb input/outputs
for audio, triggers and/or control voltage.
- 64 bit support
- input/output up to 8 audio/cv to your modular synth via USB Audio
- 32bit float audio engine with up to 16x oversampling
- AUv3 host module
- Midi input/output
- Ableton Link support
- offset attenuator in each cable
- InterAppAudio host and node up to 96K
- very low Storage usage
- skinning with custom background images
3 OSC, MultimodeFilter, WaveTable, 2 ADSR, Slew, VCA, DSP, Sample&Hold,
Combiner, Oscilloscope, Chords, Clock Divider, Matrix Mixer, Motion Controller,
CV Sequencer, Step Sequencer, Midi Filter, Midi Keyboard,Midi Sequencer, XYPad, Delay, Reverb,
Inter App Audio Host, Sample Player, Euclidean Sequencer, Pure Data Player,
Tape/LoFi Effect, Mixer Console, Macro for complex setups,Quantizer, EQ, AudioUnit