62 votes - Travel - First release: 2016-01-21T13:37:13Z
Description - 4+
Train man is the highest rated irctc app for train ticket booking used by over 1 crore train passengers. It is used to book confirm ticket, check pnr status, train running status, live train status, seat availability & train enquiry.
Salient Features of this train app are listed below :-
- Train Ticket Booking
Train man ticket booking is now authorised by IRCTC. Confirm ticket for train can be booked on Train man in less than a minute. With secure payment, easy cancellations and fast refund, it is the most trusted app to book train ticket.
- Train between Stations & Seat Availability
Find train between station, train enquiry, check indian railway seat availability before booking train ticket. Get confirmation chances for waiting list tickets for general and tatkal quota. If seats are not available, this train app will suggest alternate trains to book confirm ticket. Check availability for 4 months in a view with seat availability calendar along with train fare for irctc.
- Train Status, Offline Running Status & Train Enquiry
Check live train status to know where is my train. Passengers when sitting inside train can also check train running status offline for which no internet & GPS is needed! This saves battery usage also. Know all trains arriving or departing at any station in next 4 hours with live station status. This feature is an extension to train running status in internet mode. Also check railway time table, historical platform number and average delay of any train at all its stops.
- Train Timetable & Schedule
Know train schedule and route of train with halt duration at its stops. You can also check all the intermediate stations between any 2 stops while checking the live train status. This along with pnr enquiry prediction is one of the unique features of this train app.
- Platform number, coach position & seat map
Find out the platform number on which the train usually arrives. Also check the detailed coach composition of the train with rake reversal info. For any coach, passenger can check the seat layout plan.
- Journey Card
24 hours before the train trip, a journey card is displayed at the top of home screen. This card does pnr check and displays latest pnr status at all times along with live train status.
- Disclaimer
This app is privately managed by Stark Enterprises Private Limited. It is not an official app by Indian Railway. It is not affiliated with CRIS, NTES, Ixigo, Railyatri or any other train app out there.
Happy Train Ticket Booking on Train man!