300 votes - News - First release: 2015-04-27T13:48:00Z
Description - 17+
Bolivian Newspapers is an application that groups all news of the most important newspapers and magazines of Bolivia. With this application you can have in one place, all the information you want without browse individual websites of each newspaper or magazine.
You can read from your devices the following newspapers:
◉ Bolivia En Tus Manos
◉ Pagina Siete
◉ Eju
◉ La Razón
◉ Hoy Bolivia
◉ El Diario
◉ Anf
◉ Erbol
◉ La Prensa
◉ Cambio
◉ Bolivia Web Tv
◉ Bolivia
◉ Oxigeno
◉ Cabildeo
◉ Jornada
◉ Kandire
◉ Tupiza
◉ Montero Noticias
◉ El Deber
◉ Los Tiempos
◉ El Dia
◉ Opinion
◉ La Patria
◉ Correo Del Sur
◉ El Mundo
◉ El Pais
◉ El Potosi
◉ Nuevo Sur
◉ La Voz de Tarija
◉ El Periodico
◉ Notibolivia Rural
◉ Diario Andaluz
◉ El Chaco Informa
Economic and Politics:
◉ Economia Bolivia
◉ Bolpress
◉ Datos
◉ Abc Economia
◉ El Deber
◉ America Economia
◉ Diez
◉ Facetas Deportivas
◉ Deporte Total
◉ Solo Deporte
◉ Bolivia En Tus Manos Deportes
◉ Hola
◉ Unitel
◉ Red Uno
◉ Vanidades
◉ Bolivision
◉ Bolivia Entretenimiento
◉ Casa Diez
◉ Salud 180
◉ Semanario
◉ Cosas
◉ Destinos
◉ Gourmetravel
◉ Revista Vamos
The logos and content of each newspaper or magazine are the exclusive property of the same. Bolivian Newspapers only use them in order to be recognized by readers who use the application, and access the web pages of each newspaper.
The app logo is the exclusive property of Bolivian Newspapers developers.